Brent McMahon


Brent McMahon

Based in Victoria, British Columbia, Brent McMahon's ambition is clearly set on pushing his own boundaries at Kona. Having been in triathlon for over 20 years, Brent knows all about the dedication and motivation needed to push his limits in the sport.

What is your ultimate finish line?

Another top 10 in Kona and a sub 8hr Ironman over the age of 40.

What are you most proud of?

I'm most proud of my dedication and ability to stay motivated and racing at the front end of triathlon for over 20 years in all disciplines of the sport.

What gets you out of bed in the morning and drives your passion to keep pushing yourself and chasing your finish lines?

I would be lying if I didn't say it has gotten harder to get out of bed and push myself. After 20 years of high performance racing and pushing myself, the motivation sometimes isn't as consistently strong as it used to be. It is still there, but what gets me up has evolved over the years and I've accepted and learned that not every day is a great one. It used to be about how hard I could work and how much suffering I could endure. To see where my limits were and then to keep testing them. Now my motivation comes from executing the training as consistently as possible to see how well I can maintain my performance. I know my strengths and abilities and know that pushing everyday doesn't get you to your best result. So now it is about how good can I be over the duration and ultimately at the end when the race day arrives. Ultimately, I am blessed to have had a career in sport where I get to wake with the daily goal of challenging myself and being healthy.

Who is to thank/blame for introducing you to your sport? Tell us your history to how it all began and how you got to where you are now.

I first got into the sport of triathlon with my best friend Kristian at the age of ten. I participated in yearly events with him and went to my first triathlon camp in Vancouver, BC with him. It was here that I met my first and only coach Lance Watson at the age of 14. When I went to my first triathlon world junior championships at the age of 15, Lance helped me prepare for that and what to expect. I played a multitude of sports growing up from downhill skiing/snowboarding, water polo to mountain biking. Lance worked with me during the summers to develop my swim, bike run skills until I graduated from high school and and took a gap year to train for triathlon all year round. It was at this point I made the development national team for Canada and began my Olympic pathway to eventual compete at the Athens and London Olympics. During this period I also raced the Xterra North American series between Olympic cycles and podiumed twice at the World Xterra Championships. I did a few 70.3 events during this time as well and won my first 70.3 in New Orleans in 2010. After the London Olympics I decided to focus on long course racing and eventually doing my first Ironman in 2014 winning Ironman Arizona in 7:55.48, the fastest rookie Ironman up till that time. I continued on pushing my limits at the Ironman distance narrowly missing the Ironman World record at Ironman Brazil in 2015 by 12 seconds with a time of 7:46.10. My best performance at the Kona Ironman World Championships was my first attempt where I placed 10th. Since then I have pushed harder to perform better but haven't put together a similar race as my first attempt. This continues to motivate me and fuel my daily training.

If you could invite any 3 people (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would they be and why? What would you cook?

I have a hard time with this question and ones about who your heros are. I have always looked inwardly to find motivation and strive to be a better person, but at the same time, look to those in my life at the time that care about me and my journey for advice and guidance. These people are both constant and ever changing depending on where my path takes me. So I couldn't pick just three people, current or past as each person brings something different and at a different time. It's about being open to ideas and advice from a variety of sources as we all have weaknesses so there is no perfect athlete or person on this earth. We can all learn from each other and from anyone for that matter if you're open to listening. But I'd make donuts and coffee. And by donuts, I mean apple fritters, because they are a breakfast, lunch and dinner donut.

Given our ambition as a brand is to create a fitter and healthier world, how are you going to make the world a fitter and healthier place?

I always answer any questions about training and how to start in sport, no matter how simple. We all have to start somewhere, it was always and still is challenging to get in shape. Encouraging people to be positive and work through this is something we can all share and be a part of from a first timer to a 20 year professional. I still get stiff when I start running, the key is to keep going and find your goal and motivation.

Describe your perfect day - how does it look, what do you do and who are you with?

My perfect day starts with waking up on Maui with Carolyn and going into town for a coffee and breakfast and some quiet time together. Logging an easy workout during the day while Carolyn is doing something she enjoys and finishing the day with a meal on the beach at sunset. Can't beat the scenery and weather on Maui. I love that place.

What is your favourite 2XU product and why? How does this help you prepare, perform, recover and repeat?

My favourite 2XU product are my Light Speed Compression Shorts. Some of the toughest workouts I do are 2hr+ long runs or long interval workouts and these shorts help protect my quads and allow me to keep training the next day.

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