Emma Carney


Emma Carney

World Triathlon Hall of Fame and Triathlon Australia Hall of Fame inductee, Emma Carney raced her first triathlon in 1993. She competed in her first International triathlon at the World Championships in 1994 and won that race by the largest margin in the history of the sport.

During 1995, 1996 and 1997 Emma won all but three races and took triathlons to a new level of speed, power and athleticism. Emma became a two time World Champion, three time World Number one & nine time Australian Triathlon Champion.

Whats your ultimate Finish Line?

Fill a podium at the Olympic Games with AUS female triathletes.

What are your worst habits as an athlete?

Some might say I trained too hard, I'm not convinced...

Who is to thank/blame for introducing you to your sport? Tell us your history to how it all began, how you got to where you are now

I came from a running background, and ran for AUS before I raced triathlon. My dad thought I could be the best triathlete in the world after I did a local race and won. I trained and 18 months later won the world triathlon title. I went on to win more World riathlon races than anyone and remained world number 1 for longer than anyone. Dad was right.

Given our ambition as a brand is to create a fitter and healthier world, how are you going to make the world a fitter and healthier place?

Promote health and fitness, minimise my impact on the environment, be a strong role model for my son and those generations younger who will become our next leaders and whose decisions will lead the next generation and their impact on the environment.

What is your favourite 2XU product and why? How does this help you prepare, perform, recover and repeat?

I love 2XU recovery compression tights, comfortable and warm on tired legs. After training hard it is like having a bit of luxury for your legs to look forward to. I'm also a big fan of the swim goggles and the Light Speed run gear.

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