Aaron Royle


Aaron Royle

Aaron, also known as 'Bugs' has ambition to be better than he was last year. He has represented Australia since 2012 and has competed at the highest level of the sport in Rio 2016.

Aaron is always striving to be better, knowing that if he stands still he will be left behind.

What is your ultimate finish line?

To be better than I was last year...and the Olympic games!

Who is to thank/blame for introducing you to your sport? Tell us your history to how it all began, how you got to where you are now.

I swam at a state and national level when I was younger, because of my fitness through swimming I always did pretty well at the school's cross country and at the time my swim coach also dabbled in some triathlons and he suggested I give triathlon a go. I was a good swimmer and runner and what kid doesn't like riding their bikes!

I progressed through the junior ranks and in 2009 I represented Australia at the Junior world championships. Four years later I was crowned Elite U/23 ITU world champion, and four years after that I lived my childhood dream of representing my country at an Olympic games, finishing 9th in Rio 2016.

Describe your perfect day - how does it look, what do you do and who are you with?

Wake up around 7:30am have some coffee and toast, head out on the bike at around 8:30am for a 90 minutes riding in Font Romeu (French Pyrenees). Come back home and have a second breakfast followed by a hard swim at 11:30am - around 5km with a mainset of around 2.4km of hard swimming. After this I would head back home for some lunch and a nap to recover and be ready for a hard session in the evening at around 5pm. Dinner (pizza and maybe a beer) and watch the Knights take down whoever they are playing in the NRL

What gets you out of bed in the morning and drives your passion to keep pushing yourself and chasing your finish lines?

Striving to be better, knowing that if I stand still I will be left behind!

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