Kira Hedgeland


Kira Hedgeland

Originally hailing from Perth and now based on Australia's Gold Coast, Kira has big ambitions to represent Australia at the highest level in Triathlon.

What is your ultimate finish line?

My ultimate goal is to represent Australia at the Olympic and Commonwealth Games.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my pursuit of my passion (triathlons), the decisions and choices that I have made in order to give myself the best chance of achieving my dreams in triathlon.

What are your worst habits as an athlete?

My worst habit as an athlete would probably be being a perfectionist and wanting to do well in absolutely everything that I do (inside and outside of sport). Also probably the fact that I put the greatest amount of pressure and expectation on myself.

If you could invite any 3 people (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would they be and why? What would you cook?

Lewis Hamilton, he has achieved so much in his sport, one that demands a lot, he speaks so well and has been through a lot so I believe he would have very valuable advice.

Emma Snowsill / Frodeno, she has always been my idol in triathlon, she has achieved what I want to achieve (an Olympic Gold) so I would have so many questions to ask her.

Will Smith, I think he would bring some comedy to the dinner party, he is one of my favourite actors and I would like to know what it's like to live a life that is completely different to my own.

I would cook a big barbeque, with a variety of meats and salads and dessert of course.

What is your favourite 2XU product and why? How does this help you prepare, perform, recover and repeat?

My favourite 2XU product would probably be the compression tights as these are what I have used for as long as I can remember. They were my first compression tights and the only brand I have used. I love that it is something so simple (I mean you get to just put them on and sleep) but they are helping me recover and be ready to go again the next day.

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