Naa Anang


Naa Anang

Based out of Brisbane, Australia, Naa competes in the long jump and 100m distance, and has ambitions to one day jump 7m.

Naa is proud of her ability to persevere and she knows that life can be tough and it's easy to quit in those moments that feel impossible - she is glad she hasn't!

What is your ultimate finish line?

To one day jump 7m!

What are you most proud of?

My ability to persevere. Life can be tough and it's easy to quit in those moments that feel impossible - I'm glad I haven't!

What are your worst habits as an athlete?

My eating habits - I love all things that aren't good for me (Sorry to my dietitian Sally)

Who is to thank/blame for introducing you to your sport? Tell us your history to how it all began, how you got to where you are now.

My family - my Mum put both of my older brothers into Little Athletes so naturally I followed suit. I wasn't particularly good at anything (except for being social) but it wasn't until I was approached to do Long Jump that I quickly realised I had potential in that event.

What gets you out of bed in the morning and drives your passion to keep pushing yourself and chasing your finish lines?

The excitement of what's to come. I think it's so cool that through hard work and dedication you can see your dreams become a reality.

If you could invite any 3 people (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would they be and why? and what would you cook?

I would cook Italian, either pizza or pasta, because it's just so delicious. I would invite anyone with good vibes and to be completely honest with you there's no one I would die to meet as I'm already surrounded by incredible people!

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